Monday, August 18, 2014

No training wheels! Dylan's off on his bike!

Dylan riding big boy bike 3 1/2 I'm a proud Mama!  Go baby go!  Click the link above to see Dylan riding his big boy bike for the first time!  No training wheels!.  Please God keep him safe and healthy!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New golf clubs!

Daddy took Dylan to get his first set of "real" clubs.  He is having so much fun learning to play.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Morning snuggles

Waking up with these two makes my heart happy!  I think this was the first time they both willingly sat still in my lap and just let me snuggle!  Ahhh, so glad Dad was there to get a picture!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Mother's Day fun in the sun

My only wish for Mother's day is that Ben take pictures of the boys.  We spent the day in the backyard relaxing poolside with the rubber ducky and the baby pool and I was so very happy!  We had a picnic lunch and Ben got some pictures of Miles.  He is a TOTAL water baby and loves anything with water and sun. 

These last two pictures are my little ladykillers.  Dylan in his cowboy boots and Miles surrounded by the older preschool girls.  He went to pick Dylan up from school and sat right down in the middle of these 4 year olds and began flirting.  Trouble!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dylan's first fish

This past Sunday we headed to the Bell's new farm for a lunchtime fishing trip and picnic!  Dylan caught his first fish and was SOOO excited!  Aunt Joanna was there and just happened to take this video when the first fish bit!>Here is a little video link and a few pictures from the fun day!  He had been practicing his casting on the back porch of our house with a toy dinosaur! Miles and I hung out and ate our lunch while Dad and Dylan caught fish after fish.  We can't wait to go again soon! VIDEO LINK: