Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 months

Dylan was 5 months old on March 25th and is still growing like a weed! He eats non stop and I might pull my hair out if he doesn't sleep soon. He's typically up every 3-4 hours throughout the night. If I'm lucky I'll get a 5 hour stretch about once a week. Because he's an angel and is so cute I'll forgive him for now but I will definitely get revenge when he's a teenager and trying to sleep until noon on a Saturday!! Here are a few pictures from the past couple weeks. Loves his Sophie.
I snuck into the "Man's room" last Sunday to take this picture of the two boys cuddled up in the big man's chair watching basketball.
After bathtime. He can't wait until summer so he doesnt have to wear clothes any more!
Loving his walker. Good news, he's grown so much we can now turn him around facing front

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beep Beep

Dylan helped me fold laundry today.
Such a happy boy!

Dylan loves his walker! We had to turn him around backwards so he could touch the ground

Friday, March 18, 2011

Catching up

Wow does time fly! I know I'll say that a million more times in my life but it is so hard to believe that Dylan is almost 5 months old! He has one (almost two) bottom teeth, he is rolling from back to front and front to back, and loves his Johnnie Jump up and walker. He is such an amazing little boy and Ben and I couldn't be more in love with him. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the past four months.

St. Patty's day!

Swinging in the backyard

Three months

Three months old!

Swinging at Nana's house!

Love Papa's ballcap

Our little peanut

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

travel woes

So I promise not to vent too much about traveling for work but I've been gone so much lately and I'm basically a wreck. Ben is always good about sending pictures of Dylan so I dont feel too out of the loop. Here are a few pictures he sent during my last trip to DC.

Ben immediately put Dylan in Camo as soon as I walked out of the door!
He held his bottle by himself!

He watched TV while Dad watched basketball. All he needed was popcorn and a coke!

And most importantly, he found the cooler of milk that I had to ship home from DC while I was away. Go figure he goes on a growth spurt as soon as I leave!