Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Burdette's

Last weekend our friends Jen, Kemp, Olivia and Caroline drove all the way from Wilmington to come see Dylan.  He had so much fun playing in the backyard with his new friends!  They played chase, jumped in the leaves, blew bubbles and then we made pizzas for everyone.  What a great day! 


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Number 9

It only took Dylan 6 months to get 8 teeth.  He slowed down after that and we haven't had many teething issues since then (ahhhhh).  At our 1 year check up the doctor said he had his next top tooth working it's way down along with a few of his jaw teeth.  All week he has been pulling at his right ear so I was bracing myself for my next illness. Well, yesterday I saw the first pointy tip of his canine tooth? (sorry I've always been around animals so that's what I call his pointy tooth).  I guess you can call it relief because I think most of his ear pulling can be explained by this new tooth.  I'll take teething issues over a cold any day!

Sneaky boy

Dylan knows that he is not allowed to bother Scout while he eats breakfast yet he still continues to push the limits!  I tried very hard not to encourage this moment by taking pictures but had to snap a quick picture when Dylan picked up a pebble and fed it to Scout.  In the end...busted, with a big "uh-oh" smile:). 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dip it

I have a slight obsession with dipping.  Ben thinks I'm nuts but I just love to dip my food in ketchup, bbq sauce, ranch, or whatever! Last night I fixed pork chops, green bean casserole and sweet potatoes and I thought it would be a good time to introduce Dylan to the art of "dipping it".  I handed him a bowl of applesauce so he could dip his pork chop and he caught right on!  He thought it was the best ever!  You go baby, it's good to be a dipper!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


This morning we woke up and I told Dylan that we were going to Nana and Papa's house to ride the horses and see the dogs.  He replied, perfectly, "Horse".  What a great way to start the day!   
UPDATE:  I thought since Dylan said "horse" this morning that today would be a great day to get him in the saddle!  He jumped up on sweet Timber and we walked around the yard for just a few minutes before he decided that he had enough for one day.  Go Dylan!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall fun

Yesterday the three of us took advantage of this pretty fall weather and went outside to play during lunch break.  Dylan loved playing in the leaves with Scout and those two have really started to become good friends.  I put the picture of Dylan and Scout in the leaves at the same time last year (bottom) and my what a difference a year makes!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Big mouth!

Dylan is a talker.  There has always been quite a bit of baby babble but now he is really putting it all together.   He understands so much of what we are talking about and it is awesome to be able to communicate now. Words he has said this week:  Lawnmower, golfball, and flower!!!