Thursday, January 26, 2012

15 month stats

Dylan had his 15 month check up today and did great!  He was a very good boy during his physical and the doctor said that Dylan was a very social and secure 15 month old.   Being the show off that he is he took the opportunity to try out a new word.  Today's word was "doctor"!  Dr. Foor said he might just be a politician with his outgoing personality!  We're steering him more towards professional golf but I guess time will tell, haha.

15 month stats are:

Height 33", 95%
Weight 25lbs 14oz, 73%
head 18 3/4 (60%)

Just a few pics

Here are just a few pics from the past couple weeks in January. 
 On a walk in our neighborhood

 STRONG face!

 Getting ready for a golf lesson with Papa!
 I'm a natural!

 Dylan woke up early on New Years Day.  I thought I could keep him entertained by throwing him in the backpack and hiking around the neighborhood.  I didn't last 1/4 mile before my shoulders gave out.  He loved it but I was really tired (of course I was running on about 5 hours sleep so that probably had something to do with how tired I was)!

 Before our "hike" on Jan 1st.
After Christmas I took the tree outside and attempted to make a tree for the birds.  We put peanut butter and birdseed on little pine cones and gumballs and placed them like ornaments on the tree.  The squirrels really loved it and Scout literally tried to climb the tree.  I dont think we will be doing this again!
Helping Dad hang a mirror

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


That's my boy!!!!  He's just learning to ride his rocking horse!  I love it!

last minute ideas

Sunday morning we woke up and it was freezing outside!   I didn't feel like standing around freezing while Dylan ran around outside and I was scrambling to find something fun for us to do inside.  I finally came up with the idea that we would go to Petsmart to see the fish, birds and cats.  It turned out to be a fun trip for Dylan and also for Scout!  Dylan loved the birds and cats and poor Scout nearly lost his mind having to sit still in the cart while we were inches from the birds/cats.  Later that day after nap time we all headed over to a new park that was just built down the road.  He has finally figured out how to go down the slide by himself.  So cute!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to Moe's!

When Dylan wakes up in the morning I can usually keep him entertained inside the house for an hour or so before he goes stir crazy.  Since it was Saturday morning I got up and made banana pancakes.  Dylan drank 10 oz of milk, 1/2 pancake and about 1/4 cup of blueberries.  We managed to play inside another 45 minutes before he was whining and ready for a change in scenery.  I bundled him up and took him outside in the freezing cold to get rid of some energy.  The cold weather must have made him burn more calories because around 9:30am he started to get whiny again so I thought that maybe he needed a snack.  He ate 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup yogurt and a handful of Cheerios....  Thirty minutes later I was pulling my hair out because he was still whining and I told Ben to get in the car we were going to Wal-Mart and then to eat lunch at Moe's.

We made the quick trip to Wal-Mart and then headed to Moe's where we ordered us a Moo-Moo Mr. Cow .  Note that when I go to Moes this is what I order too because it's plenty for one person.  He ate all but about 3 bites of the end piece!!  After the burrito he ate a couple chips/salsa and almost the entire cookie (he would have eaten it all but I wanted some!)  We laughed the whole way home about the amount of food he just consumed.  Upon our return home he saw the box of Cheerios and I had to give him those to finally put an end to it! 

Can we say GROWTH SPURT???  Oh, and last week he slept 7pm-8:15am and took a 3 hour nap.  He's a growing boy!  Here is a picture of him just before he took his last bite and started on the cookie!  He kind of looks like he's in a food coma.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Saturday we met our friends Betsy, Luke and Staley at the park in their neighborhood.  Dylan had so much fun running around and playing on the slides. 
 Playing on the see-saw
 Just hanging out!
 Cutie pie!
Mama and Dylan about to go down the slide!