Monday, July 30, 2012

My kind of Saturday

Family day!!  Saturday we woke up with nothing on the agenda!  We packed up and went over to the NCSU Arboretum for an hour to explore.  It got hot very quickly so we went home and ate lunch, took naps (me included) and then went over to the Hunt Horse Complex to watch a horse show. 
 Hanging out at the arboretum

 Climbing trees
 so many beautiful flowers

Dylan's favorite part was throwing rocks in the goldfish pond. (pretty sure we weren't supposed to do this)
Watching the ponies in the indoor ring

 checking out the outdoor ring
A nice girl let us feed her horse a sugar treat.  Dylan has been talking about this all weekend.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Our friends the Bumm's came over on Saturday night for a playdate and cookout.  Here are a few pictures of the boys sitting at their little table and having dinner together.  Staley taught Dylan how to "Cheers" and Dylan hasn't stopped cheering since! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bald Head island wildlife pictures

 Ben took some beautiful wildlife pictures while we were on vacation.  He got up early on most mornings and was able to capture some amazing shots!

Oh what a night

Two things before reading this blog:
1)  Dylan's favorite blanket is "Blue".  You have probably seen him in some recent posts because he is absolutely addicted to him now and wants to take him everywhere.
2)  We have a fruit fly problem in the kitchen.  I read that if you leave a cup of apple cider vinegar and some dish detergent it will take care of them.  Ok, maybe it's worth a try?

Dylan came down with a bad cold on Sunday afternoon.  Things rapidly got worse and worse over the course of Sunday night and after an "all-nighter" we took him in to see the doctor Monday morning just to make sure it wasn't an ear infection..  She said no ear infections and probably just a cold.  Well, Monday was terrible and he was so sick.  Monday night was also an "all-nighter" except this time we had to give him a breathing treatment in the middle of the night because he was wheezing so bad. 

At 4am Monday I was up walking him around the house trying to console this screaming and hysterical child with a fever and breathing issues.  He wanted some milk so I sat him and "Blue" down on the island in the kitchen while I poured the milk.  I walked back over to Dylan and smelled the vinegar.  Yes, Ben set the cup of vinegar in the middle of the island in a little white cup and it spilled the vinegar and dead fruit fly mixture all over my screaming baby and BLUE!!!  In my 4am stupor I didn't see the cup.

But that's not the worst of it.  I immediately strip Dylan down and throw Blue in the washer on the shortest cycle I can find (20 minutes).  After about 10 minutes I walk back in the kitchen to find a washer FILLED with suds to the point that I can not even see Blue in there.  I open the door and suds go everywhere.  I had to take a picture because I thought at some point I might find this story funny.  Here is a picture of the washer at 4:30am, in the dark, with a screaming baby in the background.

The good news is we have made it and he is on the mend.  He ended up having an ear infection on top of his cold/breathing issues (after the second trip to the doctor on Tuesday).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bald Head round 3

Here are some pictures I took on my camera.
Helping me pack. 
Am I gonna fit in here?

 Packing coolers with Dad
 Waiting for the ferry with Nana
 Watching Dora with Scout
 Watching the sun set!

 Trying on my flip flops

 Scout loves laying in the sun as much as I do!

Panama Jack!
Afternoon golf cart booze cruize!

Bald Head Round 2

Hereare more pictures from BHI vacation!

Checking the waves!
Building sandcastles with Dad
Snack time


 After a full day on the beach we took Dylan to the ice cream store for his first ice cream cone.  He loved it!
 He said he wanted to call Papa so we took him to the telephone booth.

 He had ice cream everywhere so we had to hose him off when we got home.

 Poor Mimi got soaked!