Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What we have been up to in December

It has been a busy December so I'm just now catching up on photos that are weeks overdue!  Here are some pictures from the past couple weeks.  We went to my friend, Katy's, house and played on the four wheeler, held a real chicken, fed the cows, rode a tractor, and played with her cat!  Dylan loved visiting with Katy and baby Liza and he can't wait to go back soon! 

 I had never held a chicken so this was new to me too!
 Helping Katy take the feed to the cows
 I was a little nervous to let my baby out there with these huge beasts but Dylan didn't blink an eye and thought it was great!

 riding the tractor
 Playing with the sweetest cat ever!  He loves cats!
 We built a gingerbread train one Sunday morning.  Dylan had so much candy that morning I thought he would bounce off the walls!

 One rainy day he put on his rain boots and went fishing in the puddles.  Too cute!

 Yes baby, you are handsome like your daddy:)
 Busted in the act.  I thought it was too quiet to be true!
Swinging in the back yard.  This day he leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and just let us swing him quietly for almost 30 minutes.  He was so relaxed and it was so precious!