Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dylan trotted!

Finally, I was able to upload a video to the blog!  Dylan rode his pony Chili today and trotted with a little help from Nana and Mama!  He did so great and smiled the whole time.  We have been practicing trotting and cantering on our rocking horse at home so I was so thankful he wasn't scared.  Go Dylan!  Your'e a natural!

A little dog food never hurt anyone...right?

It has started.  Now that Dylan is mobile he is in to absolutely everything!  Ben is away in the mountains for a night so Dylan and I went to the farm for the afternoon.  I got home and we were both so tired and dirty so I had to feed Dylan and give him a bath around 5.  I put him down in the den/kitchen area and pull up all of Scout's water bowl and all the shoes that he is going to immediately put in his mouth.  Ok, the coast is clear to get the food and bath water ready, right?  I turn my back and start to clean the sink out and he finds the single piece of dog food that has somehow escaped into the corner of the kitchen.  It's quiet in the kitchen so I turn around to see him chewing on something and making a strange face, sort of like oh $*8# what did I just eat?  I dug it out and I"m hoping that was the only piece in there!  Let you know tomorrow if he's still feeling well!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

9 months!

Dear Dylan, please stay this age forever!   Your little personality is so precious and your little mind is so amazing.  I love watching you grow and learn new things every day and I love seeing you become this incredible little person.  You are so much more than I could have ever imagined.  Love, Mama.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Kylie's bridal shower

I hosted Kylie's bridal shower at the house this weekend.  Dylan and I woke up early to get the house ready and he quickly put himself to work as my little decorator!  He found my box of ribbon, candles and extra paper and immediately started dumping everything out.  When all of the girls arrived I sent Dylan and Dad to the man's room for a few hours.  Towards the end of the afternoon he popped his head in to see all the pretty girls, only problem was he forgot all of his clothes (thanks Dad!).  I just told Kylie that I got her a little stripper:)  Fun day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ben has pulled up the old pond in our backyard and converted it to a birdwatching area so he can get some good bird photos.  Well, Dylan and I have recently become avid birdwatchers and guess what!?  His first real word is BIRD!!!  He's been saying it for a few days now and I didn't want to post until I was certain this wasn't a coincidence but he's really got it.  Of course, it sounds more like "burrr" but we are so proud of him.  Also, when he goes into Ben's "Man's Room" he will look at the Bear and say "Beeeaa" and then look at the Deer and say "ddeeaa".  I know, I"m a little optimistic but as his mama I know the kid is trying his best to get those words out.  Yay Dylan!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Alligator wrestling!

Dylan has invented a new game called alligator wrestling.  I lay him down and tell him that we are going to get a fresh diaper on and he immediately rolls to the right with his shoulders and starts wiggling out of my grip.  As soon as he manages to get those hips over he takes off crawling as fast as he can.  He thinks he is absolutely hilarious (I do too but I'm trying not to laugh too hard).  Keep in mind that he doesn't have a diaper on so it is this is quite the picture of this little hiney crawling as fast as possible away from me.  He has the best sense of humor and he really understands how to make us laugh!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take a hike!

Oh it was such a beautiful day today!  After two days of 100+ heat today felt like a fall day!  I decided that we were going to have a family "lunch hour" so Ben and I took Dylan out to Umstead Park (about a mile from the house) for a quick hike around the lake.  He had a blast hiking around on Ben's shoulders and then hanging out by the lake while Scout chased bugs.   So thankful for a great day today!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

NC Aquarium

It was raining on Friday so instead of hitting the beach we decided to take Dylan to the NC Aquarium.  I really haven't had that much fun in a very long time.  He was the most excited I have ever seen him.  He loved the fish, turtles, and alligators!  I can hardly wait to go back with him again soon!

The big fish and shark tank was Dylan's favorite part of the day!

He never stopped smiling and screaming!

Emerald Isle

Dylan, Nana and I met Aunt Joanna and Pat at Emerald Isle where Jo and Pat let us spend a few days at the beach.  The waves were pretty rough on the beach and the weather wasn't too great so we spent a lot of time in the pool and the sound.  Dylan is getting so brave in the water now and just loves swimming!
 My precious boy!  I just love this face.
Swimming in the sound with Nana!

I have another new favorite food...guacamole!

Papa Bell

We went through New Bern on our way to the beach this week and made a stop by Papa Bell's house.  Dylan hadn't seen Papa since Thanskgiving when he was only 4 weeks old so it was really fun for them to meet again.  They are two peas in a pod and Dylan really loved playing with Papa!  Here are a few pictures from our visit.

 Sitting in the barber's chair with Nana and AJ
 Love you Papa!

July 4th

I have been having a lot of problems loading pictures to the blog lately but here are finally some pictures from July 4th.  Dylan and I went to see Staley and Betsy and went swimming in their pool.  They both wore their Jeapers afterwards and had lunch together.  Dylan and I then went over to Shelley lake to see the ducks.  He loved the ducks and we will definitely go again.