Sunday, July 31, 2011

A little dog food never hurt anyone...right?

It has started.  Now that Dylan is mobile he is in to absolutely everything!  Ben is away in the mountains for a night so Dylan and I went to the farm for the afternoon.  I got home and we were both so tired and dirty so I had to feed Dylan and give him a bath around 5.  I put him down in the den/kitchen area and pull up all of Scout's water bowl and all the shoes that he is going to immediately put in his mouth.  Ok, the coast is clear to get the food and bath water ready, right?  I turn my back and start to clean the sink out and he finds the single piece of dog food that has somehow escaped into the corner of the kitchen.  It's quiet in the kitchen so I turn around to see him chewing on something and making a strange face, sort of like oh $*8# what did I just eat?  I dug it out and I"m hoping that was the only piece in there!  Let you know tomorrow if he's still feeling well!

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