Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

I hardly have words to explain how special this Christmas was to me!  We had the best time watching Dylan play with his new toys and then we got to spend the day with some of our favorite people later that morning. 
 Checking out the toys
 The basketball goal was a big hit!
 the moroccas and the symbols were also a big hit with Dylan
 We are still working on the balance bike. 
 Waiting for everyone to get to the house for brunch
 All of Dylan's toys!

 Aunt Kylie and Uncle Kyle got me a sit and spin!  So much fun!

 After we opened presents I helped dad get the oysters ready for the afternoon roast.

 Dylan played B-ball with Papa and had a blast!

 He made a slam dunk on his little goal and then was just screaming with delight afterwards as you can see below!

 He played with the Christmas puppies, Buster and Milo
 Aunt Kylie and Joanna played a little horse and paused just long enough to look beautiful for the camera
 Dad is always snapping photos.
 After all that Dylan was pooped and sat down with Papa to drink some milk.
 A little special snuggle time with Papa
Oh, and almost forgot that Dylan loves cranberry sauce!  Yum yum!

Christmas Eve!

There were so many precious moments this past Christmas Eve!  I made my first turkey (which Dylan loved!), we stood on the front porch and tried to find Santa's sleigh, and then we set our cookies and treats out for Santa before heading to bed with our favorite Christmas book! 

 Dylan still loves his bottle so he sat by the tree and had a little milk while I got Santa's treats ready for him.
 Hanging his stocking
 Kissing Scout good night!
 Not funny, Mom!
 Dylan thought Santa's treats were for him so he did a little taste test to make sure they were just right!
 He ate a little of each treat.
Sneaky boy!
I think we saw Santa's sleigh!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Okay, so I'm a little late posting these pictures but you can see what we have been up to the past couple weeks.  The week before Christmas I went a little crazy with the treats because I wanted to make sure that we impressed Santa Claus! I made rice krispie treats, home made chocolate chip cookies and then we attempted to make sugar cookies.   I cheated and got the pre-made dough for the sugar cookies thinking that it could be an easy and fun little project for us.  Boy was I wrong.  Baking sugar cookies and cutting the dough is a TOUGH job.  Here are a few pictures from our disaster and a few other pictures from the week before Christmas.

 Dylan and Scout helped me decorate the stairwell

Lassiter Mill park

The week before Christmas we took a little family trip over to Lassiter Mill park where there is a really fun little waterfall and park area.  Dylan loved the waterfall and Scout had a blast running around. 

Waving bye to Dad

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Here are a few pictures of Dylan with his Santa hat and a quick video with him saying "Ho-ho-ho!".  Christmas is so much fun this year!

 Eating breakfast and saying "ho-ho-ho!"
 Just had to include these two cute pics!

One year ago in his Santa hat!

Fire truck ride and the Aberdeen Christmas parade

I was hoping to get these posted last week but Dylan and both came down with a cold the day we took these pictures and it's been a long week of recovery.  On December the 10th we went to see Nana and Papa and went to a small little Chrismas parade in the nearby town of Aberdeen.  While we waited for the parade to start we saw a fire truck and the nice fireman let Dylan sit up in the seat!  He LOVED it!  After we checked out the truck we sat down to watch the parade which consisted of the Shriners in little motor cars, a few antique cars, high school band and a handful of floats.  It was a great first parade for Dylan.  The funniest part was the first big float that came by had all the pagent princess on it waving to the crowd.  There were blue streamers and it was a very "pretty" float.  I told Dylan "look at all the pretty girls"!  He watched and as the big float passed us he broke free from my arms and took off running after the float yelling, "WOW, WOW, WOW!!!".  It was seriously the cutest/funniest thing ever!  Here are some pics from our fun day!

 Here is Dylan right before he took off running after the float.  I wish I had that moment on video!
 Poor Scout was howling a the sirens.
 first candy cane
 Watching the parade with Nana
He loved the band!