Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ho-Ho-Ho (Ha!)

While we were in New Bern Dylan and I went downtown to visit Santa.  We entered the little house and they were having some technical difficulties with the photo printer so it gave us a few minutes to warm up before jumping into Santa's lap.  Here are the pics, in order, of the disaster.  The final photo we got from Santas helpers has the actual screaming shot.  I'll try to scan it in later and post it below.  At least I did manage to get a few happy shots!
entering Santa's hut and checking things out
 Santa said "gimme-five"!
 Okay, we're cool, right?
 Wait a minute, you want me to get in your lap??!!  Who are you again??
 Santa had to bring out the props to keep Dylan calm.
He hung in there but the very next shot he was screaming!
Just outside of Santa's house!  Glad to be free!

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