Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dylan's two year stats!

We had our two year old check up today and Dylan got another healthy report card!  He did great visiting with Dr. Foor and was such a good boy during the visit!  He seems to be right on track and has really grown over the past 6 months!  He's tall and has really packed on some pounds!  Here are the stats below:

Height 37 3/4"=97%
Weight 32 lbs=90%
head 65%
I can not believe the boy has grown 17.25 inches in two years and weighs 4x what he did at birth.  That is so amazing to me!!

Other 2 year milestones/highlights are:
  • talks very well, some full sentences.
  • started potty training.  He's doing well with reminders and LOTS of bribing (put that Halloween candy to use!)
  • moving to his big boy bed this week!  Pics to come soon
  • LOVES Dora, Thomas the Train, Barney, Umizoomis, and Bob the Builder
  • Lots of temper tantrums, but also lots of very sweet moments.  He has become much more affectionate lately with "I love you's" and hugs/kisses.
  • Knows that he's going to be a big brother.  The other day we were on a walk and out of the blue he pulls up my shirt, kisses my tummy, and says "Hey baby brother!"  It was so sweet.
  • Very, very active. Loves running, jumping, rolling, and otherwise keeping us all in good shape!
  • sleeps well.  Usually down around 8-8:30pm and up around 7-7:30am.  Naps from 1:30-3:30ish. The recent time change has thrown us off a bit.
  • Eats well.  Favorites are vegetable soup, spaghetti, plain noodles, broccoli, carrots, Oreos, and oatmeal creme pies!
  • Wears some 2T, some 3T clothes and a size 7 shoe.

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