Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mothers Day

Catching up yet again!!  Here are pictures from my Mother's Day picnic at the Art Museum.


  1. Hey Lauren, not sure if you remember me or not but I am Nancy Hunt's niece. We met at the farm. Congrats on Miles Thomas. He is adorable and I cannot believe how big Dylan is getting. Nancy really enjoys following the boys and seeing what they are up to. I just started a blog on blogspot as well but I am not sure I am going it right. I have my settings so that only certain emails can see them but nancy said she can't get onto my blog. What are your settings? Private? Or just open to whoever? I hope you guys are all going well! Take care and hopefully we'll see ya soon!
    Laura Branch

  2. I love the newest pictures. Seriously cute kids but great photographer too. We need to get together soon. Been way too long. Hope going back to work has been a smooth transition!
